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My Life on a Platter! Part 2

When I first started my healthy journey, I initially started off taking specific herbs, I took meats out of my diet with the exception of fish/seafood and I took out dairy with the exception of eggs (which by the way is NOT dairy, but we seem to always treat or classify it as if it is). I incorporated more veggies, fruits, more juicing and blending, and I detoxed with food. I was like a “pescatarian” without the dairy. Then after about 2 years of eating this way, I decided being a vegan was the way to go. I mean why not right… just go all in.

The problem was I didn’t remember if being a “pescatarian” made me feel any better or if it even made a difference. I didn’t take the extra step to journal my experience to see if what I was actually doing was working. And it appears as if being a vegan is working for me either. I also think I got so caught up with the idea of being healthy, that it wasn’t fun anymore and as you know, when things being to feel like a chore, people tend to eventually fall off and stop doing it. I was trying too many things that I read on the internet, like we usually do and I forgot the key saying: KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid…☺



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